Weighted averaging of an analog input (Smoothing)

Here’s an example that filters an analog sensor reading by taking a weighted average of samples of the sensor. It’s based on this algorithm:

 filteredValue = x * rawValue + (1-x)*lastFilteredValue;

Where X is a value between 0 and 1 that indicates how reliable the new raw value is. If it’s 100% reliable, X = 1, and no filtering is done. If it’s totally unreliable, x = 0, and the raw result is filtered out. Examples for Wiring and PicBasic Pro follow:

Written in C for Arduino

  Analog smoothing using a weighted average filter
 by Tom Igoe

 Based on notes by David Schultz, at


 This program reads an analog input and smoothes out the result using a
 weighted average  filter. It works by taking a weighted average of the
 current reading  and the average of the previous readings. 

This example uses a TMP36 temperature sensor on Analog pin 1.  A0 is the 
TMP36's ground, and A2 is its power pin.

 In this example, a second analog reading,
 attached to a trimmer potentiometer, sets the weight.  When the trimmer pot
 is set high, the average is weighted in favor of the current reading, and
 almost no smoothing is done.  When the trimmer pot value is low, the average
 is weighted in favor of the previous readings, and the current reading
 affects the average very little.

 n.b. the variable "lastEstimate" needs to be a global, since it's modified
 each time a new filtering is done.  So if you want to use this for multiple
 inouts, you'll need a "lastEstimate" variable for each input.

 Created 17 October 2005
 Updated 6 Feb 2012


float lastEstimate = 0;      // previous result

void setup() {
  // use pins A0 and A2 to power the TMP36 sensor:
   pinMode(A0, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(A2, OUTPUT);
  // set A0 low, and A2 high:
  digitalWrite(A0, LOW);
  digitalWrite(A2, HIGH);

void loop() {
// read the sensor:
  int sensorVal = analogRead(A1);
  // convert to voltage:
  float voltage = 5.0 * sensorVal / 1024.0;
  // convert to degrees celsius:
  float temperature = (voltage - 0.5) * 100;
  // read the trim pot:
  float trimPotValue = analogRead(A3)/1023.0;
  // filter the sensor's result:
  float currentEstimate = filter(temperature, trimPotValue, lastEstimate);
  // print the result:
  // save the current result for future use:
  lastEstimate = currentEstimate;

// filter the current result using a weighted average filter:
float filter(float rawValue, float weight, float lastValue) {
  // run the filter:
  float result = weight * rawValue + (1.0-weight)*lastValue;
  // return the result:
  return result;

Written in PicBasic Pro, tested on a PIC 18F252:

'  Analog smoothing using a weighted average filter
' by Tom Igoe
' Based on notes by David Schultz, at
'  http://home.earthlink.net/~david.schultz/rnd/2002/KalmanApogee.pdf
' This program reads an analog input and smooths out the result using a 
' weighted average  filter. It works by taking a weighted average of the 
' current reading  and the average of the previous readings.  
' In this example, a second analog reading, 
' attached to a trimmer potentiometer, sets the weight.  When the trimmer pot
' is set high, the average is weighted in favor of the current reading, and
' almost no smoothing is done.  When the trimmer pot value is low, the average
' is weighted in favor of the previous readings, and the current reading 
' affects the average very little.
' n.b. the variable "lastEstimate" needs to be a global, since it's modified 
' each time a new filtering is done.  So if you want to use this for multiple 
' inouts, you'll need a "lastEstimate" variable for each input.
' Created 17 October 2005
' Updated 
  ' Define ADCIN parameters
DEFINE  ADC_BITS        10     ' Set number of bits in result
DEFINE  ADC_CLOCK       3         ' Set clock source (3=rc)
DEFINE  ADC_SAMPLEUS    50        ' Set sampling time in uS

TRISA = %11111111       ' Set PORTA to all input
ADCON1 = %10000010      ' Set PORTA analog and right justify result

currentEstimate var word    ' result of the weighted averaged reading
lastEstimate var word      ' previous result
analogVal var word         ' raw analog input reading
trimPotValue var word     ' trim pot used to set the weight for averaging

' serial variables and constants:
tx var portc.6
rx var portc.7
inv9600 con 16468
LEDPin var portb.7

'   Variables for subroutines:
byteVar var byte
x var word
i var byte

gosub blink

    ' read the sensor:
    adcin 0, analogVal
    ' read the trim pot:
    adcin 1, trimPotValue
    ' filter the sensor's result:
    gosub filter
    ' print the result:
    byteVar = currentEstimate /4
    serout2 tx, inv9600, [byteVar]
    ' save the current result for future use:
    lastEstimate = currentEstimate
    ' delay before next reading:
    pause 10
goto main

'  Blink the reset LED:
  for i=0 to 3
    high LEDPin
    pause 200
    low LEDPin
    pause 200  

' filter the current result using a weighted average filter:

    x = 0
    ' convert the weight number to a value between 0 and 10:
    x = trimPOtValue/102
    ' run the filter:
    currentEstimate = (x * analogVal + (10-x)*lastEstimate)/10
    ' return the result: