This program takes input from a Sharp GP2D120 infrared ranging sensor and outputs the result in ASCII. The ranging formula comes from an excellent article on Acroname’s site, tweaked a bit to work with my circuit.
Written in Wiring syntax, tested on an Arduino board:
/* GP2D120 sensor example by Tom Igoe Reads a changing voltage from a GP2D120 IR ranging sensor on analog input 0 and sends the result out in ASCII-encoded decimal numbers. Arduino/ATMega8 hardware connections: A0/PC5: potentiometer on analog in 1 D0/PD0/RX0: Serial input from the PC via MAX232 or hex inverter D1/PD1/TX0: Serial output to PC via MAX232 or hex inverter Distance ranging formula comes from Acroname, Created 6 Oct. 2005 Updated 25 Oct. 2005 */ int val; // outgoing ADC value int distance = 0; //function prototype: void blink(int howManyTimes); void setup() { // start serial port at 9600 bps: beginSerial(9600); blink(3); } void loop() { // read analog input: val = analogRead(0); // send analog value out: printString("Analog Value =\t"); // Calculate linear slope of reading (thanks, Acroname!): distance = (2914 / (val + 5)) - 1; printInteger(distance); printString("\n\r"); // wait 10ms for ADC to reset before next reading: delay(10); } // Blink the reset LED: void blink(int howManyTimes) { int i; for (i=0; i< howManyTimes; i++) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(200); } }
Written for the BX-24:
'GP2D120 sensor example 'by Tom Igoe ' Reads a changing voltage from a GP2D120 IR ranging sensor ' on analog input 0 and sends the result out in ASCII-encoded ' decimal numbers. ' Analog in is on pin 15 of the BX-24 ' Distance ranging formula comes from Acroname, ' ' created 6 Oct 2005 ' Updated 25 Oct. 2005 dim val as integer ' outgoing ADC value dim distance as integer sub main () call blink(3) do ' read analog input: val = getADC(15) ' Calculate linear slope of reading (thanks, Acroname!): distance = (2914 / (val + 5)) - 1 ' send analog value out: debug.print "Distance = "; cStr(distance) ' wait 10ms for ADC to reset before next reading: call delay(0.01) loop end sub ' Blink the reset LED: sub blink(byVal howManyTimes as integer) dim i as integer for i=0 to howManyTimes call putPin(26, 1) call delay(0.2) call putPin(26,0) call delay(0.2) next end sub
Written in PicBasic Pro, tested on a PIC18F252:
' GP2D120 sensor example ' by Tom Igoe ' Reads a changing voltage from a GP2D120 IR ranging sensor ' on analog input 0 and sends the result out in ASCII-encoded ' decimal numbers. ' Distance ranging formula comes from Acroname, ' ' I had to change the final constant to match my sensor's readings. ' Created 6 Oct. 2005 ' Updated 25 Oct. 2005 ' Define ADCIN parameters DEFINE ADC_BITS 10 ' Set number of bits in result DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3 ' Set clock source (3=rc) DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 ' Set sampling time in uS ' pins: tx var portc.6 ' serial TX rx var portc.7 ' serial RX resetLED var portb.7 ' blinking LED ' analog in is on porta.0 ' constant to set the baud rate: inv9600 con 16468 ' define variables: adcVar var word distance var word ' subroutine variables: i var byte TRISA = %11111111 ' Set PORTA to all input ADCON1 = %10000010 ' Set PORTA analog and right justify result setup: gosub blink main: ' read analog input: adcin 0, adcVar ' Calculate linear slope of reading (thanks, Acroname!): distance = (2914 / (adcVar + 5)) - 1 ' send the distance out: serout2 tx, inv9600, ["Distance = ", 9, distance, 10, 13] ' wait 10ms for ADC to reset before next reading: pause 10 goto main ' Blink the reset LED: blink: for i=0 to 3 high resetLED pause 200 low resetLED pause 200 next return